Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is it Spring Yet?

I am sick of winter. It's cold, it's dreary, there's too much snow...I want SUN! (OK, I'm done whining now.)

We're in that down time between Christmas and Easter and like the weather, we sometimes get the blahs in our worship. It's easy to fall back into the same old, same old in our worship, in our music, in our lives.

So it's time to bring in some sun into our worship lives. I am blessed because I see the sun on the faces of the choir when we sing. That glow in their faces is because of their love for the Son, a love that is ongoing and ever present. I am blessed because I have the opportunity to work with a music committee that is excited about the opportunity to serve the Lord through the worship arts in our church. I am blessed because I have the loving support of a husband who allows me to grow in my own way. I am blessed because I have teachers that are helping me to stretch my talents and are opening me up to new opportunities.

These are my sun. That despite the dreariness of the weather, I can warm up in the glowing all around me.

Praise God!

(a few days in Florida will help too!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Doors Are Opening

I knew that when I made the decision this fall to apply for the MA of Church Music program at Trinity Lutheran Seminary that my life was going to change. I look at path that the Lord is leading me to with both excitement and trepidation. There will be doors opening that I never expected; likewise, there will be challenges and responsibilities ahead of me that I know that I will need His guidance to get me through. But what I did not expect was to see those doors beginning to open so soon!

I recently attended my company's sales meeting. At each meeting, a small group of Christians join together for an hour of worship and Bible Study. Last year I shared with the break out group I was in that I was unsure of the path that the Lord wanted for my personal ministry. That group offered a prayer for me. This year, I announced to the group how that prayer had been answered and received resounding support! Wherever I turned during the meeting, between discussions of how to sell baby formula, therapeutic nutritional products and improve company profitability, there were conversations of need and support as well as opportunities of outreach. It blew me away. I have never felt the Lord's presence in the workplace in the way I did last week. All glory and praises to Him!

So I anxiously await for my seminary classes to begin in a few weeks. I also learned a few hours ago that my position within the church may change (unofficial responsibilities to become official). We'll see later tonight. All I know is that all things are in God's hands. I am His willing servant. And I pray for His guidance in all things that lay ahead of me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Been Silent Too Long

Sorry I have not made time to continue my posts. As those of you who deal with church music know, preparing for the Christmas season is all consuming. But I have to admit, it was well worth it for us this year. We stepped out on faith and offered our musical nativity two nights - to nearly full capacity! It was truly a worship opportunity for not only those who attended but also for all those who participated. I am blown away by the tremendous talent that resides within this church as well as by the willingness of this church family to help in any way they can. When you have less than a hundred members in a church, EVERYONE becomes involved.

And our youth - WOW! They sang, they danced, they signed, they portrayed the nativity scene, they did the lights....most having multiple roles in the program. I can't say enough of how impressed I am with their displays of faith.

Here is my prayer:

Lord, thank you for all the talent that you have led to this church. Thank you for being with us as we used that talent to worship you and to show our joy for the blessing you have bestowed upon us through the birth of your Son. Guide me in my church ministry to help in the development of this talent so that we might continue to grow closer to you in all that we do. Amen.

(And now it's time to prepare for Holy Week!)